ImmuvID welcomes European health certificates.

The Technology company, specialized in homeland security systems, negotiates with companies and authorities at national and local level about the use of its technology for the implementation of health certificates.

The announcement by the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, of an agreement on the implementation of digital vaccination passports for the summer is a step in the right direction and will allow a certain normality to be resumed, also foreseeing new waves of infections by Covid-19.

“It is a first step in the right direction. The normality that we knew before the pandemic is still far from being achieved, but that does not mean that we cannot recover certain spaces of normality as a growing number of people are vaccinated”, says Ada García, head of strategy at NeXplain, the company Spanish company that has developed ImmuvID, a technology to verify that a person meets the requirements of vaccination, Covid test or immunological protection required by the authorities of a certain territory.

“This can facilitate a controlled reopening and avoid irreparable damage to the business fabric of the countries and family economies, while guaranteeing the health security of the population, reducing risks to a minimum“, says García.

The debates within the European Union and the member states have focused on the relevance of a “passport” that allows those vaccinated to travel freely within the community without having to undergo tests or quarantines. Finally, the consensus proposal will incorporate not only a vaccination certificate but also if a person has tested negative in an anti-Covid test.

Since mid-2020, ImmuvID has worked on a technological solution that allows guaranteeing the interoperability of the various systems and solutions that are proposed to guarantee the health of the population during the reopening and allow integration of both future passports or health certificates and the so-called travel pass that has been developed by various airlines and IATA itself (International Air Transport Association).

“We are at a time when we have vaccines of different brands and whose acceptance varies from one country to another; molecular, antigen and serological analysis, and now different airline travel passes. A system is needed that integrates them and simplifies their reading, especially in the summer to avoid crowds and delays at airports and tourist destinations,” says Pieter Louw, co-founder of ImmuvID.


ImmuvID and privacy

Through a simple interface and thanks to its technology, ImmuvID allows companies and institutions to certify the vaccination status or the validity of a COVID test (be it PCR, antigen or otherwise), as well as verify the identity of the person presenting it through biometric control. Personal and health data are not stored by ImmuvID, but are queried and confirmed through an encrypted pairing, thus ensuring the privacy of users. This is key at a time when there is serious public concern about access to their personal data.

ImmuvID has been developed thanks to the technology of Xplain, a Swiss company focused on security, and Marino, the largest app developer in Ireland. During the last Tourism Innovation Fair, last November, ImmuvID received an award for one of the best new business models in the sector.

NeXplain is currently in talks with authorities at national and local level in various states of the European Union, as well as companies from several countries and large laboratory chains for the use of its technology.

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